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Right to Read

Intellectual Freedom Policy

Wharton Elementary considers the materials provided by the library to be protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Further, the library accepts and utilizes the Library Bill of Rights adopted and reaffirmed by the American Library Association. The library materials provided to the students offer varying levels of difficulty, diversity of appeal, and a variety of viewpoints. These materials, in turn, allow the reader to research and discover personal philosophies and decisions.

We acknowledge the standards of free library services and free inquiry as ideas essential to our nation’s democratic legacy. We respect the rights of the students to be selective in their own reading. While parents or guardians may choose to restrict the selections of their minor child(ren), the library will not act in that role. We will protect the constitutional right of our students to read. Reconsideration of materials

The responsibility for selection and evaluation of library materials has been delegated to the school library media specialist. Reconsideration procedures to address concerns about those resources are in place. If you wish to request reconsideration of library resources, please return contact your campus librarian.