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Library Rules

General Library Information

Check out a book - Line up near the computer at the circulation desk. Tell the librarian or student aide your WISD ID number.

Sign In – All students are required to sign in on the sign-in sheets located at the circulation desk each time he/she comes to the library. Students coming from a class are required to present a red hall pass from their teacher. Note: Students are required to stay in the library until the bell rings unless they are coming from a classroom.
**A pass is required from the morning duty teacher to come to the library before school. A pass is required from Mrs. Maffett to come during lunch.

Independent Library Visits - Any student who is disruptive will be sent back to class with a note to the teacher about their behavior. Further disciplinary action may be taken.

Books - All books except those designated as reference, special loans, or non-circulating, may be borrowed for two (2) weeks. Students with overdue books must clear their records by returning the books or paying for lost books before checking out additional materials.

Library reading - Magazines and reference books are used in the library only and may not be checked out by students.

Overdue notices – The librarian will distribute overdue notices every two weeks to English or Reading teachers to be handed out to students who have overdue books.